Summer is a great time to encourage yourself and your kids to read more. (Wondering why you should bother encouraging kids to read? Check out Tuesday’s post.) Libraries often host summer reading challenges. Or you can create your own!
Set a goal.
Do you want to read ___ books? Or read for ___ minutes a day? Or branch out and try some new genres? Whatever you choose, set a goal.
Measure your goal.
You can keep a list of the books you read, make a check mark on your calendar for every day that you meet your reading goal, or fill out a READO board. Our daughters’ eighth grade English teacher, Amanda Ironmonger, uses READO to encourage kids to try different kinds of books. They’re great for adults too! I’ve attached a classic Summer READO board and one specifically for Fantasy lovers (#mykids).
Pick a reward.
Set a reward for when you complete your goal. Your reward doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated. Libraries use cool notebooks, autographed books, and movie nights. Pick what appeals to you. And then have fun reaching your goal!